Winning Youth Football

Coaching Youth Fooball - Football Plays

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Game-film tells no Lies!

Have you ever had the problem with players that no matter what you say to them they will argue to the end the fact that they are playing well and playing within the system?

Have you ever exhausted all methods in order to try and get them to play well, and they still just don't get it and they look at you like you have two heads for saying so? Really, they are confused!

Bring in the film!

A lot of programs will get parents to tape their games and use it as a coaching tool in order to improve team play. Coaches then view the tape, make notes, and then bring in the team or individual to view the game-tape pointing out the good, the bad, and the ugly.

A lot of players are surprised when they watch themselves play on video. Some of them can't believe it! They are shocked to see themselves look slow or lacklustre, and making mistakes all the while thinking that they are doing fine and having a good game. It can be a tremendous coaching tool but it's not for everybody as it takes some resources to implement and let's face it, its one less thing to worry about on game day. But if you can swing it, go for it, you won't regret it!


The Last Picks are the Toughest

Sometimes, the last picks of any team are the hardest to make and it can drive a coach crazy.When it comes down to the last few spots, the players can pretty even.

Here are a few tips to help:

Evaluate position wise what they would bring to the team, evaluate what their work ethic is like, as well as their commitment to team systems. Do they have a good work ethic and are they character players that will give you high energy play. Do they have good size and do they use it? Let's face it, there are small players that do play big and bigger players that play small. In the end it's what you want for you team and what kind of role you want them to play.
What are they like in the dressing room and around the other players? Are they leaders? Schedule an exhibition game and give them lots of playing time even if it means sitting down your top players. Put them in situations where they have to make decisions and see how they handle them. This should give you a pretty good idea on those final picks. Make your cuts, keep your notes, and start planning your next practice. Move on and don't look back wondering if you made the right selections. If you don't, it only will be a distraction even if the player has success elsewhere. Understand that perhaps the player had a bad try-out, which is no ones fault,or a bad work ethic while others flourished around his poor effort. Again, your coaching log will reflect this and in the end you'll support your own decision not to keep this player.
