Winning Youth Football

Coaching Youth Fooball - Football Plays

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Steelers and Jets take Humble Approach

After the trash talk of last week between arch rivals New York Jets and the New England Patriots its interesting to listen to both the Steelers and Jets now pay respect to each other. Especially the Jets, who clearly seem to have a admiration for the Steelers.

Seems funny does'nt it?

Perhaps the NFL has stepped in after the drama of last week and has warned both teams that negative comments will not be tolerated this time around. It just seems so strange to hear the compliments. Certainly, its a lot better this way and a lot more professional.

Overall, last weeks comments put a black mark on the league standards. Kinda looked like bush league type behaviour. The post game antics were definately unsportsmanlike, something that you'd expect out of 10 year olds and not from the best athletes in the world! Probably, after some insight into last week all agreed it was not in the leagues best interest.

Anyway, expect a great football game on Sunday between two great football teams!


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